Long term breeding seminar

This announcement you can find a more updated form if you click here

Time: February 20, 2004, 12.15.  The seminar will take the whole afternoon

Place:   Umeå, "Skogis", Lecture room Lärken (close to main entrance at floor 3). There will be an electronic projector and a computer and net-access. More or less prepared contributions to the discussion are welcome.

Theme: Long term tree breeding as analysed by the breeding cycler tool

By Darius Danusevicius and Dag Lindgren

Darius and I have completed (at least) four studies on long term breeding using the breeder cycler tool, which we think are potentially able to reply on many questions to fine-tune long term breeding strategy. We feel that both the tool and many of the results are relevant for Swedish tree breeding (among others). We want discussion, to make breeders more aware of the outcome of our analyses and to give us new ideas and impulses. Our analyses concern questions as how many?, how long? and what testing strategy?, some specific problems are listed:
Should we progeny-test Scots pine?
Is it worth to force early flowering in Scots pine?
Has the breeding population the right size?
How large should test families be?
At what age should field tests be evaluated?

Clonal testing - presented before!
Clonal testing instead of progeny-testing seems a good idea, we regard this as well-documented and well-known and already presented at three international meetings and proceedings (and here a link from Tim Mullin and Milan Lstiburek with a similar content), so we will not spend much effort to market that idea further at this seminar, but it IS marketed  e.g.at this link.

Around two hours talk by us (we probably share that time roughly equally) and time for discussion beyond that, we hope you will interupt us very frequently.

We visualise a program like follows:

Dag Lindgren opening introductory lecture: "Breeding cycler and the road to it" (some hints were presented in a seminar in the beginning of 2003).

Darius: ?

Dag: The size of the breeding population in long term breeding

Comments and suggestions how the conclusions may affect Swedish breeding are planned to be available as a link from this site, and will be updated after the seminar. Contributions to the discussion of the document is very welcome.

A link to a previous discussion about the initiation of the Swedish long-term breeding

It is helpful if you understand something from the principles mentioned on  theory of gene diversity in forest tree breeding (it is also available as a slideshow). The tree breeding tools are described in a slideshow. Milan Lstiburek is like we trying to squeze the most out of tree breeding, this link is to the latest presentation on the issue.

Darius is a visiting scientist at our Umeå department till April 26.

After the seminar participants who want can come to Krogen Krogen below Ålidhem centre to continue discussion under more relaxed forms. I will buy those arriving 18.05 - 18.15 a "stor stark". At least Darius and Matti are expected to appear.

A list of documents most of the presentation will be built on is presented below, more detail (abstracts and some summary) is given at this link  if you want further information or reprints, please contact Dag L.

Danusevičius D & Lindgren D 2002. Efficiency of Selection Based on Phenotype, Clone and Progeny Testing in Long-term Breeding. Silvae Genetica 51:19-26.

Danusevičius D & Lindgren D 2002. The clonal testing strategy – the highway for long-term breeding of Norway spruce? In Haapanen M & Mikola J (Eds): Integrating Tree Breeding and Forestry - Proceedings from a meeting of the Nordic Group for Management of Genetic Resources of Trees. The Finnish Forest Research Institute Research Papers 842, p 104.

Danusevičius D & Lindgren D 2002. Two-stage selection strategies in tree breeding considering gain, diversity, time and cost. Forest Genetics. 9:145-157.

Danusevičius, D. and Lindgren, D. 2003. Clonal testing may be the best approach to long-term breeding of Eucalyptus. In: Eucalyptus Plantations – Research, Management and Development, R.-P. Wei and D. Xu (eds), World Scientific, Singapore, 192-210.

Danusevičius D & Lindgren D 2004. Progeny testing preceded by phenotypic pre-selection - timing considerations. Submitted  (0309).

Danusevičius D & Lindgren D 2004. Optimisation of breeding population size for long-term breeding. Submitted Oct 03

Li H, Lindgren D, Danusevicius D,  Cui J 2004  Theoretical analyses of  long-term poplar breeding. Submitted. (July 03).

For out of town visitors to Umeå:
http://www-umea.slu.se/defaulte.htm is a link with information about the Umeå part of the faculty.
My room is at floor 4 facing to the parking lot, floor 4 is entrance floor from the parking.
A map there my room is very close to the "i" above second "g" in Skogshögskolan is situated at:
Recommended overnight nearby is Björken 090 108700.
The seminar will start 12.15 to allow participation by Matti Haapanen from Helsinki and maybe other participants from other cities the seminar takes place in the afternoon. We feel very flattered that Matti initiates his carrier as chief breeder of Finland by listening to us. Per Ståhl (and Bengt Andersson) will join another meeting in the morning and this in the afternoon, which also is a reason to place it in the afternoon.

The Ekebo clone

A similar seminar will be arranged at Ekebo (south Sweden) 2nd of March. The idea is that Darius and I will have at least a week to work on the ideas which may appear as a result of the first for the second, but that follow close so we do not forget. If guests would appear on that (I will invite participation from Denmark), Bo Karlsson asks being informed to make arrangements for coffee and lunch. I guess that a good time to start is 10 and if we count lunch and coffee and 2 hr talk and 1+ hr discussion it will be over at 14.30.

Some further reasons for the show:
    Sadly, I will not supervise another PhD thesis to the end, but this is a substitute which looks very much like a thesis, and thus probably keep me happy for this year.
    Once upon a time SkogForsk had the idea of a "förädlingsråd" for discussions between the University and SkogForsk. That nice idea crashed with the second meeting,. This meeting  may serve as a substitute. My comments at the two meetings 1999 and 2000 (in particular the one from 1999) may have some relevance.

I suggest it as a nice principle that breeding plans are updated each decade, thus it is time to do that for the "Swedish plan", this seminar may serve as a trigger. If nothing else, references need some polishing and updating and descriptions can probably be more up to date, and the formal quality of the Swedish plan could be improved.

About timing

I started to plan this some time ago. How many places, Per suggested two and Bengt one, when föreningen met at Ekebo I saw it as Divine advice to have it at Ekebo, I still probed the interest for Uppsala to get a visit after Ekebo, but the response was just two, who had something else that day. So I settled for the two places: Umeå and Ekebo.


Program with Matti (this appears white out, so hopefully only Darius and Matti reads it)

10.45 Matti is met at Umeå airport by Dag (070 3992481) if airplane is much delayed and nothing else heard of Matti has to go by taxi to the meeting room or Björken. Seminar to 17, when check in at Björken, when meet at Krogen Krogen at 18, Matti walks home. Saturday meet at hotel (Darius, Dag with car and Matti) at 9.00. We see downtown shortly (there may be ice-scalptures) and I use to show some graves connected to the 1809 war, when Finland was liberated from the Swedish occupation by the Russians, see the Sävar station and when go to my cottage for Sauna and snow rolling. After that we either go to job some hours and talk or go direct to Darius place for a whiskey and snacks. After that Matti walks home and take himself to the airport Sunday morning


Dag and Darius travel to Ekebo

Mars 1        Bo Nilsson arrange transport from Sturup, meeting with föreningen, during that time Ekebo entertains Darius, Dinner and accommodation will be arranged by Ekebo (Bo Karlsson)

Mars 2 

Ekebo see that we do not miss the return flight

Return flight